Topdressing is a lawn care practice that involves spreading a thin layer of material, such as compost or sand, over the grass to enhance soil quality and promote healthy growth. This technique, dating back to 15th-century Scottish golf courses, offers numerous benefits for your lawn.

Reasons to Topdress Your Lawn:
Improves Soil — Topdressing adds nutrients to your lawn organically.
Helps Seed Germinate—If you overseed your lawn, topdressing allows seeds to contact the soil directly directly, which is best for germination.
Breaks Down Thatch — The topdressing material helps break down your lawn's thatch layer.
Eligible for rebates in most municipal water districts
Helps Renovating Distressed Lawn — If bare spots on your lawn or weeds crowd out your lawn, topdressing is your best bet for correcting soil conditions and incorporating new seeds. #Topdressing

Topdressing Materials:
Selecting appropriate topdressing material is crucial. We avoid compost containing bio-solids, opting instead for a custom mixture of sand, coffee grounds, and manure compost. Choosing a material that enhances soil texture and composition is key to preventing layering issues that may hinder water and airflow.
Incorporating topdressing into your lawn care routine can significantly improve soil health, promote vigorous grass growth, and maintain a lush lawn. Consider contacting Central Texas Lawn Leveling for professional assistance to achieve optimal results. Find out how much of a Rebate you qualify for. #Lawn Leveling